The One Ring

Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.
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Author:  rigg1313 [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Well some people sure can be generous! Not everyone goes and gives their stuff away! You probably havn't seen me on the forum because i am relatively new, however I've been a long time lurker so have seen you on The OneRing for as long as a i can remember, and now its very obvious why you're a so highly valued member of the forum - You're simply a TOP LAD!!
I live in Aus so i don't know if youre willing to post here, but if your kind enough to i do collect galadhrim/woodelves and fiefdoms.
Should I PM or something?

Author:  origami chicken [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

This is such a cool and kind hearted thing to do.
Seeing how awesome everyone one (especially a certain Mars bar) on this forum is makes me regret that I stopped visiting for almost a year.
I'm still yet to play a game even though I got my first figure over 10 years ago I'm aiming towards a dwarven force though.

Author:  Imladris96 [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

I live in Australia, but if you are able, anything from Isengard would be great (any random model is fine too :) ). I personally collect Elves but I plan on giving it to a friend to draw them into the hobby. Thanks for this very generous and kind gesture, also if it makes a difference Mars bars are my favourite :-D this community is blessed with your presence and charisma alike.

Author:  Frogmortonjustice65 [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

If you have any elves you are willing to part with, specifically Galadhrim, that would be much appreciated. I live in the United States though, hopefully that is not an issue. If you PM me I can give you info. What an outstanding display of generosity this post is.

Author:  SuicidalMarsbar [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Ok everyone - so far everything y'all want can be accommodated for (fiefdoms may be tricky, but as many of you have wisely noted, I am a smart guy).

Now so far this lil' endeavour is gonna set me back a pretty penny in postage costs, which I obviously expected, so if some people wouldn't mind PayPal-ing me a single pound/dollar/euro just to cover the cost of envelopes/postage (duh)/the cost of mailing our friends abroad, that's be greatly appreciated. I don't expect everyone to dish in but whatever you can do will make this waaaay easier to achieve. If I end up getting too much I'll send it back and tell you all to stop sendin me mo-nay.
PayPal e-mail:

(not sure if the site has a policy about posting e-mail addresses publically so remove this if you need to.

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Thank you! I have every thing I need . Please send a new player two.

Author:  Hodush [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Very nice of you sir! There isn't really much point sending one mini all the way to Australia as I see it. I'm only down a Dol Amroth banner bearer on horse but I know where to get him, just have to get some more monies first, so I'm not going to bother you unless of course said "single" miniature happens to include a wraith on fell beast ;) I am of course, joking and if anyone asks him for that, they'll be on Oliphaunt clean up duties for a month.

On a serious note, make sure you pull the plug when it gets too much - you can always contribute to a painting competition if you feel the need. Good on ya!

Author:  Dagorlad [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Marsbar, this is the single most generous act I have ever witnessed on this or any other forum.

Awesome dude! You rock.

Postage support payments are on the way.

Author:  Éomund [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

wow you are so kind. Ive never seen someone like you on the forums!
I live i the Netherlands so that isnt that far right? I would prefer something of rohan but anything is oke as i like most armies!

I will have a look if i am able to sent something to your paypal to help you!

Author:  Goisil son of foili [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

I was just saying on facebook yesterday i thought of leaving the hobby, but the inspiration and friendliness of this site and the gbhl, im hooked again, then i stumble on this post and am amazed at such generosity this truly is a fantastic hobby community to be part of thank you.

Author:  Jacob [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

This is such a brilliant idea! Well done! I can't imagine how much time it's going to take to write out all of the addresses yet alone all the money!

Also seems like a good way to get a few lurkers a like me out to post!

I'd like absolutely anything but I'll be making a special effort to convert it into some sort of captain so anything with limbs not too attached to the body would be best!

PM inbound, along with postage support!

Thanks again!

Author:  Leonardis [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Wish I saw this earlier, I need some easterlings!
Do you have anything from my trade list? Especially morgul knights, or any cavalry for that matter!? Huge thanks and thumbs up!
As everyone else has said, this is very generous :-)

Author:  Bilbo [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Do you have a list of wanted miniatures for yourself?

Author:  Andúril [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

That is very generous Marsbar, what a magnanimous man you are.

If it is not too much to ask is there any chance you have some Gondor models pref Citadel or Fountain Guard.

Many Thanks,

Author:  Zirak-Zigil [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Hey Mr Marsbar.

You don't need to send me on a model but I just would like to say fair play!! This is an incredibly generous gesture and its really reassuring to know that in some small corners of the world and Internet, people like like your self still exist!! Even though I'm only a newcomer to the forum, gestures like this and the overall helpful and friendly nature of all members, makes me very glad to be a part of it.

Author:  Harfoot [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Wow, amazing, such a kind gesture, I don't need anything, but thanks a million :-)

Author:  Bernardo [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Another lurker in here that has just made an account a month ago or something.
And I have been looking at this site for half a year now :D

I like the gesture, great idea! What I really would like is a fell warg.
These guys are epic, and can allways be allied in.
So it would be the single most used mini of my whole collection ;)
I live in Belgium, and I wouldn't mind a bit to help you finance these postages.
But you will have to explain to me how to use paypal, as I have got an account, but never used it.

Author:  Tondribur [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

*speaks in an old dark language*

This sickening kindness is spreading through Middle Earth and must be stopped once. I demand MarsBars are banned from Mordor and must be hunted down immediately before more kindness, friendship and other ugly things spread out further.

Golden rings will be sent out at once which will counter the kindness by binding all fools in darkness (after all, this trick might work twice).

Regards, Sauron

PS: isn't your enemies' faul words the biggest compliment ever? ;-)

Author:  Corbulox [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

Wow some people's generosity is amazing!

I play Mordor!

Seriously dude this is amazing what your doing!

EDIT: I'm in England

Author:  DwarfWarrior [ Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marsbar's "mega" give away - free models.

If you had any dwarves that would be great

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