The One Ring

Desert Osgiliath -driftwood pieces
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Author:  Mapper [ Tue Dec 11, 2018 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Desert Osgiliath -driftwood pieces

I had bought the three pack of Osgiliath ruins with the idea I would combine parts of them with hirst arts blocks to make my Gondor outpost. In playing with different parts I decided I didn't like the look of it, too obvious and piecemeal looking. The Gondor outpost will still have Osgilaith elements to it, just not the whole pieces.

Decided to take the pieces and kitbash them into ruins of a city in the desert. Spent the morning base painting them with the Iraqi Sand color I had made for me at the hardware store. Once dry, I will use one of the Army Painter wash tins I have and give them a good wash before drybrushing them.






Author:  Cave Dragon [ Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath in the desert

Very nice. Very nice. I like the little bits of rock you added... They really help bring the terrain that extra kilometer.

Author:  Zach [ Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath in the desert

Very nice! I bought two of the three packs with a similar project in mind. I can't wait to see yours painted up!

Author:  Mapper [ Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath in the desert


Cave Dragon, I use a pumice gel (Golden Gel Mediums, Extra Coarse Pumice Gel) to use at the bottom of my walls to hide the seam between wall and floor. Pumice gel is an artist tool to create a textured surface. I use the Coarse and Extra Coarse on my bases. The extra coarse gives the effect of small stones while the coarse would be finer, similar to adding coarse sand to paint.


I used Army Painter Quickshade (strong tone) to wash my buildings, mainly because I had a tin of it laying around. Use in a well ventilated space as it is quite stinky. Takes 24 hours to dry and make sure you have something between it and your workspace as it can drip down more as it dries. Comes out shiny but I think after I dry brush them it should tone it down and I can always use dullcote afterwards.

Next is dry brushing Iraqi Sand and some white.


Author:  Cave Dragon [ Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Osgiliath in the desert

Oooh... Aaahhh.
Mapper has a cave troll! Run!

Author:  Mapper [ Thu Dec 13, 2018 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Desert Osgiliath drybrush

Did my first drybrush on a piece last night, using the same color as the primer and some cheap white craft paint. Added some Stirland Mud in places and also used some on my fingers to rub on in places to dirty it up some. Will still have to dullcote them when done.


(one cave troll? I think I have seven - six put together, one still unassembled)

Author:  Mapper [ Thu Dec 13, 2018 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Desert Osgiliath drybrush

Because I am always dinking on my terrain projects (which is why they never seem to get done) I felt the Stirland Mud was too dark so I dug into my paints and terrain supplies and decided to use some Armageddon Dust paint that I had bought when a store went out of business. It seemed to match the color of the walls better and lightened up the mud.



I really like the GW Osgiliath Ruins, they paint up really well and when drybrushed the detail really shows. Can put them together as they come or kitbash several ways and can take different paint schemes depending on what you want done with them. Just make sure to scrape off the mold lines, they tend to show if you don't (lesson learned) The only piece that I have problems with is the small stair piece with columns, I think it looks better if the bottom wall is filled in, especially if used as a standalone.


Author:  Mapper [ Sat Dec 22, 2018 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Desert Osgiliath done

Finished my desert osgiliath pieces, using testor's dullcote to finish them off. Need to take better pictures when there is better light, they are more tan than appear here.


Think I have enough of gw osgiliath now, I had three sets before that I might go back to and kitbash them some more.


Ordered three more for my Gondor outpost project, some of which went to dul guldurish pieces


Oh, well. At least I have a lot of statues.


Author:  Cave Dragon [ Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Desert Osgiliath done

Amazing. Well done! :yay:

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Sat Dec 22, 2018 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Desert Osgiliath done

I should trade you for those statues. I have a Christmas present for you I dug out of storage. I will send it in the new year, once the postal glut thins a little. (We had a rural postal strike earlier this month.) PM me your address.

Author:  Mapper [ Sat Feb 02, 2019 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Desert Osgiliath - driftwood pieces

Picked up some small pieces of driftwood. Dried them, sealed them and painted.

I usually mount pieces like this on mdf but I think I won't bother with these.




Found a larger piece that I had to use a hand plane on the back side to flatten enough to be able to glue down. Carved out an area for part of the city piece.




Found another large piece that I am currently drying, don't know what I will do with it yet.


Not happy with my well, felt it didn't fit in well :D enough with the rest of the desert city so I replaced the entrance.



Author:  Nevinsrip [ Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Desert Osgiliath -driftwood pieces

Looks great. Well done.

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