The One Ring

Rivendell Knight banners
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Author:  blackphillis [ Tue Feb 07, 2017 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Rivendell Knight banners

Hey everyone, just wondering about some banner rules. In particular it relates to Rivendell knights. I was wondering how having a banner effects them, as in, can a knight still shoot his bow if equipped with a banner, can he use his lance or elven blade when attacking or does the banner override all other wargear?

Author:  Men are weak [ Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rivendell Knight banners

Good question. And I'm surprised that the rulebook is so vague on banners combined with other wargear. The FAQ doesn't offer much either. The only effect is that the banner wielder suffers -1 to duel rolls.

So I'd assume that you can also carry a bow (and shoot it), and/or carry a shield (and gain the +1 defense benefit, but not if you also carry a bow). I'd think you can use lance or elven blades as well.

I would assume though that you'd have to convert your model to actually be equipped with this wargear. Typically banner bearing models (at least the stock versions) aren't modeled with shields, bows, elven blades.

I should also state though that I'm not 100% confident of this opinion.

Author:  TheEggman [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rivendell Knight banners

The current rules do not say anything about carrying a banner prohibiting models from using other wargear. In the Return of the King rulebook and probably the One Ring one as well, banner bearing models were forced to drop any other handheld wargear - shields, 2-handed weapons, Elven blades, and fight with a basic hand weapon (with of course the -1 modifier).

The rules now note on p 67 that models bearing multiple weapons will have to declare which ones they will use. So in theory, you could use a lance or even a two-handed weapon with a banner. While this makes sense for the new special strike rules - it's fine and makes sense to use a sword, axe, etc. with a banner, albeit with the -1 modifier - it is less reasonable for the lance, bow, or 2-handed weapon examples.

GW appears to have endorsed this view, though it's ambiguous at best - from the FAQ:

Q: If a model is equipped with a banner or a war horn, can it still be
upgraded with other equipment such as spears and shields? (pg 72)
A: Yes.

Does this mean they can use a bow or lance? It's a mug's game, though comparing it to the Expert Rider rule regarding shields and bows and saying that only Expert Riders can carry a banner and use a bow/lance seems like a reasonable conclusion. Work it out with your TO or opponent though!

Author:  Dikey [ Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Rivendell Knight banners

I'd say that a Bannerman cannot use a bow.

The last line Halbarad's Banner option says: "Halbarad can still use his bow if he carries this banner".

By the way it's written, it would appear that Halbarad's an exception to the rule, otherwise there would have been no need to clarify this point

Author:  Men are weak [ Sun Feb 12, 2017 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rivendell Knight banners

Halbarad's profile was written when "The One Rulebook" was the current rule set. Now The Hobbit Rulebook is the current rule set. All notes above are based on The Hobbit rules. I'm pretty sure you can use a bow. I'm not saying that makes sense. It's just what the current rules allow.

Author:  SouthernDunedain [ Mon Feb 13, 2017 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rivendell Knight banners

Rivendell Knights are like the swiss army knife of SBG. They can literally do and use anything. They just suffer the -1 to duel as per normal banner rules. Illogical yes, but legal.

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