The One Ring

A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings
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Author:  Sigmar [ Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings

I thought this might be on interest to LoTR fans - a new Warhammer Fantasy army book dedicated to our furry footed friends :)

An extremely good army book and well worth a read - it had me in fits of laughter :D with the likes of the Bee Keeper, the Dawg Riders, The Pantry Guard and the flying Swan archers. It actually looks very well balanced.

Image (WFB News blog) (WFB forum) (THE mini Gallery)

Author:  Lord of Gondor [ Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings

What!? Do warhthe creators of this have such little imagination? Just look at the cover- its the image of the Brandywine river! O.K. so deminutive beings already existed in English mythology in some way before Middle Earth- but in nothing like the form in which they are portrayed here. If I had to create a new fantacy army that wouldn't be so stongly based on a theme which GW already do. Let the halflings stay in Middle Earth! :boromir

Author:  Pindergorn [ Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings

Lord of Gondor wrote:
What!? Do warhammer designers and writers have such little imagination? Just look at the cover- its the image of the Brandywine river! O.K. so deminutive beings already existed in English mythology in some way before Middle Earth- but in nothing like the form in which they are portrayed here. If I had to create a new fantacy army that wouldn't be so stongly based on a theme which GW already do. Let the halflings stay in Middle Earth! However this new faction for Warhammer might provide us with some different new 'beekeepers' to or own ORIGINAL Tolkienesque armies. I am sure the books hilarious :lol: though hopefully not as plageristic as its cover may lead me to believe. :boromir

Uh, excuse me? You do realise that this is a Fan Rulebook and not official, right? "Warhammer designers and writers" isn't very accurate - these are Fans writing it. And I don't even play Warhammer Fantasy, but I know enough to know that Halflings and the Moot already exist in the official WFB universe. Sure the author(s) of this PDF borrow heavily from Tolkien, but so what? Its not an official expansion. I find this cheeky, tongue in cheek take take on the Shire rather funny.

Author:  Lord of Gondor [ Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings

Forgive me- I did not realise that this was unofficial. Also, I was alittle fired up after watching an early and appaling animation of The Hobbit ( see Dinadans 'The Hobbit 1966' thread). I am glad its not real. I still find it lacks imagination- but it is I suppose a tribute of sorts, and am begining to see the lighter side of it. Appologies King Ondoher for my ignorance on the 'designers and writers' point-in the heat of the moment I took this thing way too seriously, and have ammended my original post accordingly. :boromir

Author:  aelfwine [ Sat Feb 25, 2012 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings

Also: Warhammer is about what you get when you take all of GW's licenses, circa 1985 - Runequest, MERP, Elric, Call of Cthulhu, Dungeons & Dragons and put them in a blender along with old White Dwarf's editorial line and attitude.

It's almost like the anti-creativity. Or so ballsy that it becomes creative. The jury is still out.

Author:  Lord of Gondor [ Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings

Interesting point- but lets no turn this into a debate on rights to LOTR. Goodness knows its none of my (or any of our) business as to what anyone, GW or otherwise does with it or what LOTR does for fantacy and mythological inspiration (or lack of it!) :boromir

Author:  Lord of Gondor [ Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings

Having now read the whole thing- virtual cover to virtual cover- I must admit that Ondoher and Sigmar were right- it is very funny. I must remember to read everything next time before attacking the Hobbit's War Hammer cousins! Besides, War Hammer is nothing to do with me- I'm firmly in the LOTR camp for the forseeable future! Apologies again King Ondoher! :boromir

Author:  GothmogtheWerewolf [ Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings

This is but one of several unofficial Army Books for Warhammer, they also have Araby, Kisliev, Dogs of War, Chaos Dwarves, and many more. All fan made but based on areas of Warhammer world which GW do not focus on for their models, though they used to with some of them.

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