The One Ring

Barrels out of bond request
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Author:  malky23 [ Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Barrels out of bond request

Hey guys, been a long time since I posted on here! Been away from the hobby for a while due to other commitments!

Bit of a different request here...

I have recently moved and while packing and unpacking I seem to have have somehow lost one of my hobbit minis from the Barrels out of Bond set. This is rather annoying as I'm sure you can imagine as they are only sold as a set and I don't want to buy another full set just for one figure.

I figure that anyone else who has the same set is in the same boat and wouldn't have one to trade or sell. So my request is... Does anyone who has the barrel out of bond set do moulds/casting? If so, would anyone be willing to be make me a cast of the one I need? I'm more than happy to pay or trade if needed.

The mini I need is the Balin in a barrel figure.

Obviously if anyone has an original figure they are willing to trade/give away, that would be even better!

Not sure if this is the best page to post this in but thought it was a good place to start.

Thanks everyone! :-D 8)

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