The One Ring

H: Finecast Hobbit Models W: Metal LOTR Models (non-BGME)
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Author:  goblin_king [ Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  H: Finecast Hobbit Models W: Metal LOTR Models (non-BGME)

Hello all!

Just a quick message, I've been silent for years, but been a member of this forum since 2004.

Here's my list of Haves and Wants! PM me and I will find stuff!


Non-Hobbit/LOTR stuff
Warmachine Rulebook in French
Skaven Army Book in English
Dust Tactics Axis (various)
The Hobbit:
Master of Laketown
Gimli on Dead Uruk-Hai, in blister pack...
Goblin King, Scribe, Throne, Small Captain
A5 format Hobbit Rulebook


Uruk-Hai Battering Ram
Sauron with Elendil and Isildur (metal)
Abrakhan Merchant Guards
Galadriel, Celeborn and Mirror (FOTR set)
Wildmen of Dunland
Hobbit Militia/Archers
Grim Hammer Captain
Corsairs of Umbar
Dalamyr, Fleetmaster of Umbar

I'd prefer to trade in the UK or EU, but will trade worldwide. Australia is a very difficult one and I have been stung multiple times.


Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: H: Finecast Hobbit Models W: Metal LOTR Models (non-BGME

Should have a metal treebeard coming my way soon. If that white council trade falls through maybe we can work something out.

Author:  goblin_king [ Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: H: Finecast Hobbit Models W: Metal LOTR Models (non-BGME

Hi there,

Sure thing. I have seen him go for anywhere between £15 and £25.


Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: H: Finecast Hobbit Models W: Metal LOTR Models (non-BGME

Ok, should have it tomorrow. I'll assess the condition of it and we can agree whats a fair swap via pm.

edit- if the other trade doesn't work out of course

Author:  goblin_king [ Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: H: Finecast Hobbit Models W: Metal LOTR Models (non-BGME

Edited to include some other things, both in my trades and wants. PM me if you have anything/want anything. I am sure we can work it out. :D

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