The One Ring

Need help valuing some OOP models
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Author:  Auspainter [ Sat May 07, 2016 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Need help valuing some OOP models

Hi guys,

I'm after a bit of help valuing some OOP metals I recently found hiding at a gaming store in Hong Kong. I was lucky enough to pick up 3 NIB metal Eorl the Young sets, 3 Shagrat War Leader of Cirith Ungol and a couple of Mauhur figures too. I'm going to use them for trades as I only need one of each but I've only got a ballpark figure on what they're worth.

Just wondering if you guys might be able to give me rough numbers on what they're worth so I can trade them without ripping people off unintentionally and vice versa.

Cheers! :)

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