The One Ring

Hobby resolutions for 2015?
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Author:  Son of Fundin [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Happy New Year first of all, I hope you all had a nice new start and can look forward to a succesful new year.

As everybody knows New Year comes with resolutions for things you want to achieve over the next year. Get slimmer, drink less, be nicer and all that sort of stuff. But what are your resolutions for the hobby this year?

Mine would be to finish a sculpt, sculpt a face I am happy with and get the human anatomy correct. If I only achieve two of those I am already happy.

What about you? What do you want to achieve? I am looking forward to your posts... :)

Edit: Sorted out my language here, no idea what "resumptions" are either. :oops:

Author:  Coenus Scaldingus [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resumptions for 2015?

Paint/sell more models than I buy. Managed to do so this year, but that's mostly because I sold a few dozen things, and painted some 50 guys in under 6 weeks for a tournament deadline. For this year, that means buying very little or painting a lot. Both would be especially amazing. Perhaps the best thing would be to focus on a few specific projects, only buying and painting stuff for those, which would then also result in a coherently finished army for once.

Author:  Bandobras Took [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resumptions for 2015?

Paint more and get better at painting.

I think I completed something like under 20 minis in 2014!!! :shock: Also I hope to do at least 2 dioramas this incoming year. I started my Bag End in March last year I think and have only just got to the mini painting stage now. Yeah, not a very productive year in the Hobby for me. Need to find more time... :)

Author:  Lord Hurin [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resumptions for 2015?

I actually had a great run going until about March-April. Then I dropped off and now I'm back into things. I finally got a proper place to display my minis so I'll be more inclined to paint!

Author:  warrior of the north [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

For me it will be awesome to play the battle of the five armies with no proxied mini's. This gives me a motivation to buy Hobbit mini's and paint them for something to look forward to and have an awesome battle around Christmas. (probably would n't succeed).

Author:  turwaitheon [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

I'll be finishing two or three armies this year. Orcs, Elves and the White Counci.

Author:  Sithious [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

With new, better angled desk lamp on hand. I plan to return to bothersome levels of WIP pictures. :roll: I use to post pictures almost every week of something completed on TLA and then over to here. I fell off that a bit. So I hope to post a pic a week minimum of what I have going on. I will also try to post replies on 5 other WIP posts for every one I do to keep the circle of inspiration going. If I can do this, I will feel I am contributing and being a positive influence on this hobby. In turn, this will make me feel more positive too.
I have already painted a few layers and primed a box set of models as well as completed assembly and prime on Bolg. Can't wait to see what people make this year.

Author:  redeaston [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Mine is to continue selling off things I don't use to make the hobby as self funding as possible. I also want to try and get all the figures and terrain done for the journey books. I have most of the figures I need I just need to stop getting distracted by other random things I like the look of.

Author:  Mapper [ Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

To try and stay a little more focused vs swayed by shiny objects. :-D

I tend to get easily distracted with the result of many uncompleted ideas/paint jobs staring at me.

Author:  Gene Parmesan [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Finish a mini I start. I don't think I actually managed this in 2014.

ambitiously speaking I'm happy enough with my painting at the moment. The little I've done this year has been experimental, and I've pushed myself with each one. Just need to get more hours in so it becomes natural. Sculpting has always been my weakest point so I've invested in some tools, hopefully I'll get to a level where I get green stuff work done without frustration. Would also like to build a table and have a few games

Author:  Blue Dragon [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

I plan to not assemble something new until I have painted a model for it to replace in my backlog. This does not preclude me from painting a hobbit so that I can paint a Smaug.

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Continue to improve as always but start to branch out on different figures.
After the current diorama challenge I need to concentrate on single figures, pushing my boundaries more and getting the most out of every figure.
That includes developing my NMM, working on SENMM, improved blending and glazing.

Author:  Sithious [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Gandlaf the Grey wrote:
That includes developing my NMM, working on SENMM, improved blending and glazing.

Sky Earth looks fun, makes everything look like polished chrome, pretty cool effect. That would be cool to see from you.

If I can get my skills to a level to do something like this by Karol Rudyk Art;
Gee willikers that would be something. One step at a time I guess, back to my hunter orcs then. :twisted:

Author:  Isilduhrr [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

I bought my first pack greenstuff today , so my first priority is learn to sculpt.

Author:  Reto [ Fri Jan 02, 2015 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Once again, I will try to paint more then I buy and to buy more then GW releases. Last year I definitely bought more but I painted less.
And for my armies, I will try to finish my Fiefdoms and Durin's folk army but also the remnants of the Gondor and Moria forces.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Sell all of my stock that I dont want.

Be able to organize my figures and build the armies I want to keep and get rid of the rest.

Finalize and round out what I want to get and finish that almost permanently.

ACTUALLY paint and base several armies to completion....I only have two finished armies and one is 350 points. Both of these I did for tournaments. I can never sit down and paint or base. Ive found a bunch of awesome articles.

Thats what I can think of for now.

Author:  Dorthonion [ Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Make space for hobby activity once The Cunning Plan has been launched.

Author:  Dead Marsh Spectre [ Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015? win a Golden demon!

Author:  Paradigm [ Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Build up as many armies (no specific points, but enough to play a good game with) as possibe. I finished last year with Gondor a few minis short of 850 points painted and based, and a Mordor/Fallen Realms alliance not far behind. So far this year, I've painted 350-ish of Isengard, 5-600 points of Rohan depending on options, 400 points of Elves and started towards expanding the two halves of my initial Evil force into separate armies. The plan, then, is as follows:

Build up Mordor and Fallen Realms to at least 500 points apiece.
Build to about 750 points of The Army of Azog and Bolg (from my BotFA Supplement)
Build about 750 points of The Army of the Iron Hills, 100% converted (as above)
Build a Mirkwood force to about 500 points
Build a Laketown force (from my supplement) to an as-yet-undecided value
Finish various misc characters I have lying around.

After that, who knows? Maybe some more varied stuff, like an all-spirit Angmar army or some Second Age stuff....

Author:  cal585 [ Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hobby resolutions for 2015?

Finish my first full army! All painted and based.

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