The One Ring

WotR - Direct only models
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Author:  Corsair [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Psychman wrote:
Shortshanks wrote:
I do agree there Corsair. Why not make those models exclusive to GW only stores then? They get the protection and we get the models right away without all the online buying and shipping hassles.


I'm new to the hobby, but can't you order through the GW site and request the models are delivered to your local store? That way at least you save on postage etc.

hey welcome to One Ring mate!

yes you can do that - I intend on using this option in the future since they no longer do the half proce P&P with advance orders

Author:  Shortshanks [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 10:29 pm ]
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Tried that route today but the models I wanted weren't even in the system. The GW employee figured either they might get them at a later date or they're just Direct Exclusive. Even he doesn't know for sure. Pretty sad. He mentioned about the system getting re-vamped and in the future all stores having a kiosk where every model would be made available. Not really sure what that entails though. At this point if I want my models I'll have to order online.

Author:  Selorian [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:16 pm ]
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GW constantly change the status of the Lord Of The Rings miniatures to Direct Only without notifying trade customers. A recent example is Eomer and the Cave Troll With Spear.

GW is completely out of stock for the cavalry bases (for trade customers anyway) with no idea as to when they will be back.

Author:  Talking Troll [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 5:54 pm ]
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Yes indeedy,

I also don't think its a good step of Games Workshop.
But, as mentioned its a company and so it wants to make money because it else doesn't survive. I don't really know how big the economic crisis is, but that may be a good reason to hold the models on direct-only so that they don't have more losses because people are buying the stuff at cheaper stores.

It is really nasty, because most people look forward to the new models;
and suddenly they will become direct only...

For a player I know which plays Rohan, with Sons of Eorl this is not such luck. But, if you want you could also convert some stuff.

Still it isn't fun, but typical GW.

Author:  gaarew [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

At the end of the day, your miniatures are luxury items, and GW is a business. They stand to make more money by restricting items to Direct Sales only, as in general, people are, at the moment, being more conservative with their disposable income. By doing this, they are guaranteeing that any sales of new items will return maximum profit.

I know that my mate has just been made redundant, and the local GW is now closed 2 days a week so that it can run on just 1 full and 1 part time staff member.

Author:  General Haar [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:09 pm ]
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My shop's in the same situation, gaarew. They're running on a manager and a staff member. Tuesday-Thursday they close 45 minutes during the day for lunch. It's getting rough for them.

While I don't like the idea of models being direct-only, if it makes them more money, well, I'd rather shell out a bit more and keep my hobby/hobby center alive than lose it.

Author:  Selorian [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:25 pm ]
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I can't speak for GW shops however, our sales have dropped quite a bit over the past couple of months despite being hands down, the cheapest in Europe.

Author:  Corsair [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:42 pm ]
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gaarew wrote:
At the end of the day, your miniatures are luxury items, and GW is a business. They stand to make more money by restricting items to Direct Sales only, as in general, people are, at the moment, being more conservative with their disposable income. By doing this, they are guaranteeing that any sales of new items will return maximum profit.

I know that my mate has just been made redundant, and the local GW is now closed 2 days a week so that it can run on just 1 full and 1 part time staff member.

spot on John, exactly what I said on the previous page.

Author:  gaarew [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:49 pm ]
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Corsair wrote:
spot on John, exactly what I said on the previous page.

Which was basically a conclusion of my post...


Author:  Corsair [ Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

gaarew wrote:
Corsair wrote:
spot on John, exactly what I said on the previous page.

Which was basically a conclusion of my post...


lol - Either way, I agree.

Author:  King Dain Ironfoot [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 3:24 am ]
Post subject: 

gaarew wrote:
It's actually pretty clever, because now, you can't just go and get them cheaper online. GW is forcing you to pay them full whack for the models, rather than only getting the, whatever it is, 60% RRP from a distributer, they are getting the full 100% from the customer. And for everyone that says they aren't buying the models because they hate GW etc etc ad infinitum, they will still have plenty of orders.

In a years time, it might still be the case that they are direct only, so, no, you wouldn't be going elsewhere to get it.

Fair enough, but it's still a way of [word deleted] off customers. I didn't mean these models and this instance specifically would destroy GW as a company, but their retail stores' days are numbered if this kind of thing turns into a trend and people can't get half of the new releases except online. They'll go to GW's website for the exclusive stuff and their cheaper online retailers for the standard releases.

I don't hate GW as a whole. Their sculptors are obviously very skilled and they make some great, fun minis games. The business end of things though always seems to put the bottom line before the people buying their products. I know of several instances where they lost customers because of a poor business decision. I know it sounds like I'm whining, but really it only takes losing a few people and the rest will soon follow. If my opponent base dropped by a third or even a quarter, I wouldn't play as often and wouldn't buy as much as a result.

Author:  Shortshanks [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 5:05 am ]
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Well, considering that about half of the new models seem to be online only we might see how GW's seemingly new direction pans out. If these models start appearing in shops in a month or two it'll probably be because a lot of people feel the same way as a good chunk of us do here about online buying. Time will tell.

Author:  Corsair [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 10:14 am ]
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Does anyone think that eventually GW will turn into just an online company?

I think they will if they continue tbh

Author:  Raukov [ Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:37 pm ]
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Corsair wrote:
Does anyone think that eventually GW will turn into just an online company?

I dunno, so much of their business is a direct result of intro games, painting intros, etc that I don't really see they can afford to.

We'll be seeing a lot more direct-sales-only stuff, though, particularly for LotR.

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:24 pm ]
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Some interesting news.

I went to GW Bluewater today and happened to ask them what was the current status of the Grey Company, Halbarad, riders of eorl etc.

He said the usual, "None arrived for release day", and he even phoned direct sales for me today to ask what was happening.

He said that it in no way at all has been announced that they were direct only - truth said, he didn't know why any GW stores had received them.

Direct Sales also didn't know what was happening (I think they should TBH) and that you could expect them in the next few weeks.

He also mentioned that none came before release day to "show off" in the WoTR display.

He thinks that there may have been a major casting flaw at the main factory and they had to discard all the batches. He said on their behalf that "GW would rather make them come out later (thus better) than sooner and 'deformed' and not quite to the correct standard".

However true this is I don't know, but know one knows - and I think everyone should know - even a message on their web page wouldn't hurt - just to explain to the general public

I also thought what is the chances that this happens to more than one type of miniature (sculpt), and it doesn't explain why people like MAELSTROM GAMES and Wayland haven't stocked them nor much of the stuff due for release in a weeks time.

interesting conversation I must say - and I hope this helps solves the case of the missing blister packs...


Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:31 pm ]
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That's very interesting news indeed Corsair!

I'm still waiting for my reply, lol...
I bet they still don't now what to do with them... :s

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

TheBucklandBrewer wrote:
That's very interesting news indeed Corsair!

I'm still waiting for my reply, lol...
I bet they still don't now what to do with them... :s

yeah, I hate it when no one knows.

What bugs me is that as a company, they should know. If not, then Direct Sales SHOULD know...

Author:  gaarew [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Corsair wrote:
Does anyone think that eventually GW will turn into just an online company?

I think they will if they continue tbh

Nope. I never see this happening.

What you have to understand is that GW is in a very special place, as a high street gaming retailer. Now, having been out to the states, there is a world of difference between games stores in the UK and in America.

GW is, whether people like it or not, pretty much the major influence on getting people into the hobby, in the UK.

Author:  Corsair [ Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:47 pm ]
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I rarely go into a GW, so I can't really comment on what as a store it has to offer me.

However, after going into one today full of people (EVERYONE playing WoTR - no 40k or WHF!), i can see why the stores play a vital role in the hobby.

Author:  TheBucklandBrewer [ Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I've send them a kind reminder :-X
I'm not gonna wait till the value of the pound get up again to 1.6 Euros... :-X

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